Web apps are the forward face of a modern company. However, building for the web comes with a notorious potential for oversight, especially when various browsers, screen sizes and user settings need to be accounted for.
Our response implements an in-line system to facilitate acceptance testing from fellow developers, beta testers, or even end users. SparkMarker provides a collaborative, intuitive and lightweight solution that is easy to install and allows observations to be tied to specific HTML elements. By simplifying feedback delivery and tailoring it to various use cases, taking a web app from draft to production-ready becomes a simple series of adjustments.
The intuitive and familiar “comment”-based design embraces a large group of testers to counter the device variability that accounts for a majority of bugs. Feedback is also sharable so that multiple perspectives can be recorded in response to a single element.
SparkMarker includes a suite of features to consolidate feedback and expedite responses - comments can be downloaded as a table, viewed all at once or even organized to the side of the web page or app in question. Armed with this transparency and capacity for convenient feedback delivery, updates become seamless and well informed.
We have combined our desire to deliver innovation along with our experiences and lessons learned serving our customers to identify opportunities for improvement.
For more information about these products and the latest Sparksoft innovations, contact our offices by calling 410.424.7700, online, or info@sparksoftcorp.com
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